Everything about Web Development

January 3, 2023by nationwideinfotech0

Website development is the process of creating a website for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network). It usually involves web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, and network security configuration, among other tasks. The process of developing a website includes conceptualizing, planning, designing, creating, testing, and launching the website.

What are the Skills needed for front end website development?

The skills needed for front end website development include:

  • HTML: This is the markup language used to structure the content of a website.
  • CSS: This is the style sheet language used to style the content of a website.
  • JavaScript: This is the programming language used to add interactivity and dynamic features to a website.
  • jQuery: This is a JavaScript library used to simplify the development of web applications.
  • Responsive Design: This is the practice of designing websites to be responsive to different screen sizes and devices.
  • UX/UI Design: This involves creating a user-friendly interface and experience for the website.

What are the Skills needed for back end website development?

The skills needed for back end website development include:

  • Server-side scripting: This involves writing code for the server-side of the website, such as PHP, ASP.NET, and Ruby on Rails.
  • Database design and development: This involves creating the database structure and writing the code to access and manipulate the data.
  • Security: This involves taking measures to ensure the security of the website, such as implementing authentication and encryption.
  • API development: This involves creating APIs to allow the website to communicate with other services and applications.
  • Server administration: This involves setting up and managing the server to ensure that the website is running smoothly.

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